To comply with the provisions of Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce and other applicable regulations, the general information data of this website is indicated below:

AdressC/Alemanya, núm. 60, 08700, Igualada (Barcelona)
E-mail[email protected]
Phone contact+34 93 808 80 91
Registry dataCommercial Registry of Barcelona, Volume 34684, Folio 108, Sheet number B-254862

Any person who accesses this website, including the web pages that comprise it (hereinafter “Website”) assumes the role of user or client “User” or “Users”), committing to strict observance and compliance with the provisions. provided here, as well as any other legal provision that may be applicable.

The provider reserves the right to modify any type of information that may appear on the website, without any obligation to notify or inform users of said obligations, with publication on the provider’s website being understood as sufficient.


All contents of the Website, understood as, but not limited to, the texts, photographs, graphics, images, icons, technology, software, links and other audiovisual or sound content, as well as its graphic design and source codes (hereinafter, the “Contents”), are the intellectual property of OCISPORT SERVEIS ESPORTIUS, S.L.U. or third parties, without any of the exploitation rights recognized by current regulations on intellectual property over them being understood to have been transferred to the User, except for those that are strictly necessary for the use of the Website.

The brands, trade names or distinctive signs are the property of OCISPORT SERVEIS ESPORTIUS, S.L.U. or third parties, without it being understood that access to the Website grants any right over the aforementioned brands, trade names and/or distinctive signs.

Violation of the above rights will be prosecuted in accordance with current legislation.

For the purposes of preserving possible intellectual property rights, in the event that any User or third party considers that a violation of their legitimate rights has occurred due to the introduction of certain content on the Website, they must notify said circumstance to OCISPORT attaching the pertinent information.

In any case, OCISPORT will not assume responsibility for the Intellectual or Industrial Property rights owned by third parties that are infringed by a third party or by the User.



The User undertakes to make correct use of the Website in accordance with the Law and these conditions. The User will be liable to OCISPORT or third parties for any damages that may be caused as a result of failure to comply with said obligation.

The use of the Website for purposes that harm the property or interests of OCISPORT or third parties or that in any other way overload, damage or disable networks, servers and other computer equipment (hardware) or computer products and applications (software) is expressly prohibited. from OCISPORT or third parties.


The User undertakes to use the Contents in accordance with the Law and this legal notice, as well as with the other conditions, regulations and instructions that, where appropriate, may be applicable.

With a purely illustrative character, the User, in accordance with current legislation, must:

  1. Refrain from reproducing, copying, distributing, making available, publicly communicating, transforming or modifying the Contents except in cases authorized by law or expressly consented to by OCISPORT or by whoever holds ownership of the exploitation rights, where applicable.
  2. Refrain from reproducing or copying for private use the Content that may be considered Software or Database in accordance with current legislation on intellectual property, as well as its public communication or making it available to third parties when these acts necessarily imply reproduction. by the User or a third party.
  3. Refrain from extracting and/or reusing all or a substantial part of the Contents that make up the Website as well as the databases that OCISPORT may eventually make available to Users.
  4. Use the services in accordance with the provisions of the law, morality, public order and these General Conditions, making appropriate use of the services and/or contents of the Website and not using them to carry out illegal activities or activities that constitute a crime, which violate the rights of third parties and/or violate the regulations on intellectual and industrial property, or any other regulations of the applicable legal system.
  5. Do not introduce or disseminate content or propaganda of a racist, xenophobic, pornographic nature, in support of terrorism or that violates human rights.
  6. Do not introduce or spread data programs (viruses and harmful software) that may cause damage to the computer systems of OCISPORT, the access provider, its suppliers or third-party users.
  7. Do not disseminate, transmit or make available to third parties any type of information, element or content that violates fundamental rights and public freedoms recognized constitutionally and in international treaties.
  8. Do not disseminate, transmit or make available to third parties any type of information, element or content that constitutes illegal or unfair advertising.
  9. Do not transmit unsolicited or authorized advertising, promotional material, “junk mail”, “chain letters”, “pyramid schemes”, or any other form of solicitation.
  10. Do not introduce or disseminate any false, ambiguous or inaccurate information and content in a way that misleads the recipients of the information.
  11. Do not impersonate other Users using their registration keys to the different services and/or contents of the Website.
  12. Not to disseminate, transmit or make available to third parties any type of information, element or content that constitutes a violation of the intellectual and industrial property rights, patents, trademarks or copyright that correspond to OCISPORT SERVEIS ESPORTIUS, S.L.U. or to third parties.
  13. Do not disseminate, transmit or make available to third parties any type of information, element or content that constitutes a violation of the secrecy of communications and legislation on the protection of personal data.
  14. Hold OCISPORT harmless from any possible claim, fine, penalty or sanction that it may be forced to bear as a result of non-compliance with any of the aforementioned usage rules, also reserving the right to request compensation for damages that may apply.

Data collection forms

Without prejudice to the provisions of the specific legal notice regarding privacy policy, accessible from the Website and which may be applicable at any time, registration for the different events is conditioned upon prior completion of the corresponding User registration and acceptance. of the legal terms and regulations. Said acceptance is made after completing the corresponding User registration and/or at the time of collecting the bib.

All information provided by the User through the forms on the Website for the above purposes, or any others, must be truthful. For these purposes, the User guarantees the authenticity of all data communicated and will keep the information provided to OCISPORT perfectly updated so that it responds, at all times, to the User’s real situation. In any case, the User will be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements made and for any damage caused to OCISPORT or third parties due to the information provided.

Introduction of links to the Website

The Internet user who wants to introduce links from their own web pages to the OCISPORT Website must request express authorization to do so.

The use of any word, graphic or mixed trademark or any other distinctive sign of OCISPORT SERVEIS ESPORTIUS, S.L.U. is prohibited. within the sender’s page except in cases expressly authorized by OCISPORT SERVEIS ESPORTIUS, S.L.U.


Of the information

Access to the Website does not imply the obligation on the part of OCISPORT to verify the veracity, accuracy, adequacy, suitability, completeness and timeliness of the information provided through it.

In this sense, OCISPORT does not guarantee that the contents of the website will be permanently updated, nor that they are free of any kind of error, so OCISPORT is not responsible for any damage and/or loss and/or benefit not obtained by the user. User or by any third party who is harmed as a result of the same.

On the other hand, OCISPORT informs that, although the photographs of the products that appear on the Website are as close as possible to reality, OCISPORT is not responsible for the fidelity with which the images are reproduced on your monitor or device.

Access to the Website does not imply the obligation on the part of OCISPORT to control the absence of viruses, worms or any other harmful computer element. The User is responsible, in any case, for the availability of appropriate tools for the detection and disinfection of harmful computer programs.

OCISPORT is not responsible for any damage caused to the computer equipment of Users or third parties during the provision of the Website service.

About the availability of the Service

Access to the Website requires services and supplies from third parties, including transport through telecommunications networks whose reliability, quality, continuity and operation depends on third parties. Consequently, the services provided through the Website may be suspended, canceled or become inaccessible, prior to or simultaneous with the provision of the Website service.

OCISPORT is not responsible for damages of any kind caused to the User that result from failures or disconnections in the telecommunications networks that cause the suspension, cancellation or interruption of the Website service during or prior to its provision.


In general, registration is not necessary to access and browse the contents of the Website. However, the use of certain services and content may be conditional on prior registration.

The data provided on the Website must be exact, current and truthful. At all times you will be responsible for the custody of your password (if any), consequently assuming any damages that may arise from its improper use, as well as its transfer, disclosure or loss. For these purposes, access to restricted areas and/or use of the services and content carried out under your password will be considered carried out by you, so you must be responsible in all cases for said access and use.


The User accepts that the legislation applicable to the operation of this service is Spanish, since OCISPORT carries out its activity from Spain and submits to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the consumer’s place of domicile for the resolution of any divergences that may arise. of the interpretation or application of this clause.